Wednesday, Jan. 8th, 2025 at, 6:45 PM to 8:30 PM
The Vocations Ministry at St. Bartholomew is sponsoring a special event for all of the families who have hosted the Traveling Icon or Traveling Chalice in your home, followed by a reception in the Family Life Center.
Rosary and Benediction
Evening Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration within Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Wednesday evening at 6:45 pm in the church.
It is an hour of reparation for all the past clerical abuse and the many youths who were abused. Also, in reparation for the plague of abortion that afflicts our country. For the sanctification of all of our clergy and our entire parish. For our own personal intentions. Finally, in thanksgiving for God’s abundant mercy showered upon us all.
Reception Afterward
Thank you to all of you who have hosted the traveling Icon and/or Chalice in your homes. Come join us for snacks, drinks, and fellowship.
Please RSVP by filling out the form below:
Take the Traveling Icon or Traveling Chalice into your home for one week!
* The Holy Family icon will be taken to pray for the vocation of Sacramental Marriage and Chaste Single Life.
* The Traveling Chalice will be taken to pray for the vocation of the Priesthood and Religious Life.
Please sign up below and choose which vocation you will pray for and the Mass time you will attend. Each will come with a carrying case with daily prayers you can offer, or you may pray your own.
Upon arriving at Mass, please let the Mass coordinator AND acolyte know that you are there to receive the Holy Family icon or the chalice. Near the end of Mass, they will call you to the front and present you with the icon or the chalice. After Mass, go to the sacristy (the room behind the portrait of St. Bartholomew in the narthex) and retrieve the carrying case to transport the icon or chalice to and from your home.
The icon and chalice are to be returned to the church the following Saturday between
3:30 pm and 4:30 pm and should be given to Sister Lucy or Sister Raphaella. Thank you for taking the time to pray for vocations.
Click the link below to sign up to take home the Holy Family icon or traveling chalice: