Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) are registered parishioners who are commissioned by the Bishop to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion in the absence of sufficient ordinary ministers (priests and deacons). These ministers are baptized, confirmed, have been receiving the Eucharist, and, if married, are validly married within the Catholic Church. The minimum age for a minister of the Eucharist is 18, or a high school senior. All ministers must demonstrate personal and spiritual maturity.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion may be involved in carrying Holy Communion to the elderly, the sick and the hospitalized of the parish, and those in nursing homes that are under the care of the parish. Additional training to serve in this way is arranged through Sr. Lucy.
All EMHCs are trained in the procedures used at St. Bartholomew, and because such procedures are revised from time to time, all ministers are required to attend a periodic re-training. All ministers must also complete the safe environment training provided online through CMG Connect in order to serve.
To sign up to be an EMHC, please contact the Liturgy Director.
All ministers MUST be trained and commissioned before they can serve as EMHCs. Scheduled training dates will be posted a few weeks prior. Training sessions are for both current EMHCs and new ministers.
If you cannot attend published trainings, please watch for the announcement of the next training dates.
English EMHC training for new and existing EMHCs will be held on January 8, 2025 from 7pm to 8:30pm in the FLC Room 206. To be an EMHC, you must be a registered parishioner of St. Bartholomew, in full communion with the Catholic Church, and complete the Safe Environment training st-bart.org/cm. Bring the completed certificate to the training.
Todos los ministros DEBEN ser entrenados y comisionados antes de que puedan servir como EMHC. Las fechas de capacitación programadas se publicarán unas semanas antes. Las sesiones de capacitación son tanto para los EMHC actuales como para los nuevos ministros.
Si no puede asistir a las capacitaciones publicadas, esté atento al anuncio de las próximas fechas de capacitación.