Our new name is: C.R.U.
Which stands for Christus Regnant Unus (latin, One Christ Reigns).
The Youth Group can either be referred to as St. Bart’s Cru (a play on the word “Crew”) or just ‘Cru’ for short. On Instagram we can use the hashtag #StBartsCRU when referring to our group.
The group logo is on a shield to represent the spiritual battle that we are called to fight. The cross is a bottony cross (“furnished with knobs or buttons”) which is also sometimes called a trefly cross because it is shaped like a trefoil. The color of the cross is white to represent Christ's purity (as a spotless victim, an unblemished lamb) while the red represents the color of His blood which was shed for us. The gold color signifies His Kingship and how we are called to enter into that same royalty (as heirs to the Kingdom). One star represents Christ’s dignity, the other star represents His humanity. The flaying knife represents our parish patron St. Bartholomew who was skinned alive for the faith.