Altar Servers Practices:
Traditional Latin Mass Altar boys practice every 2nd Saturday at 8 am.
Regular Altar serves practices for boys and girls on the 4th Saturday at 8 am.
David Robson leads the practices.
Laura Rissky makes the ministry schedule.
The Ministry of the Altar Server invites our children and young adults to assist the priest and deacon during the liturgy. These liturgies are on Sunday and daily Masses, weddings, funerals, Stations of the Cross, Benediction, and Holy Days of Obligation. New servers will be trained and serve with other, more experienced servers until they are familiar and comfortable with the various positions. In addition, each server is given a set of written instructions during training, and parents are urged to assist them in learning their duties.
The minimum age of an applicant is those who have received their First Holy Communion. All servers must attend meetings.
To sign up for Altar Server Training, please attend the training led by David Robson.
Once you have completed the training, Laura Rissky is the one who prepares the schedule for the servers in the app called Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP). The link for the MSP app is:
Click here for the MSP app