Anointing of the Sick and Pastoral Care at Local Hospitals
The celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick within the Mass will be held every first Saturday of the month at 8:30 am.
In the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston hospital ministry at the major medical centers is administered by the Catholic Chaplains Corps (DSF sponsored). When a Catholic is a patient in one of these hospitals there are Catholic chaplains who provide daily pastoral care (counseling and the administration of the sacraments). These chaplains are also on call 24/7 for emergencies. Other hospitals and nursing facilities in the archdiocese are assigned pastoral coverage to specific parishes in their geographic area. Hospitals covered by the Catholic Chaplain Corps: Ben Taub, Kindred, M.D. Anderson, Memorial Herman, St. Luke’s, Texas Children’s, Methodist, TIRR, LBJ, Memorial Herman Southwest. Hospitals in West Houston covered by parishes:
West Houston – St. Justin
Memorial Herman Memorial City – St. Cecilia
Memorial Herman Katy – St. Bartholomew
When a loved one is in the hospital and it is an emergency the best thing to do is ask the nurse’s station (or the pastoral care department of the hospital) to call the Catholic Chaplain Corps priest or the parish responsible for hospital coverage immediately. For an updated list of individual chaplains to the hospitals and their contact information, please visit The Catholic Chaplain Corps, or call 713.747.8445. If you have an emergency for the sick or dying or someone needs anointing call 713-787-3930 for a St. Bartholomew parish priest. This directs you to a 24 hour answering service. The service will contact the on call clergy. St. Bartholomew services the following zip codes: • 77493 • 77449 • 77494 • 77450 • 77049 • 77084 UNCIÓN DE ENFERMOS - SAGRADA COMUNIÓN EN CASA, HOSPITALES Y VISITA A ENFERMOS Si tiene una emergencia para un enfermo o un moribundo o alguien necesita, la absolución, el viático, el sacramento de la unción de enfermos, llame al telefono 713-787-3930 para que un sacerdote de la parroquia de San Bartolomé de Katy vaya a visitarlo inmediatemente.
Este número lo dirigirá a un servicio de contestación las 24 horas.
El servicio se comunicará con el clero de guardia.